Saturday, April 21, 2018

Respect the Earth and A Special Reading

Hello there my Tarot Tots! It's time for something extra special. It's a very special day. I almost forgot. But how could I forget.... It's EARTH DAY!!!

Today I want to talk to you about a few things that I think are very important, things that I think I want to change around my own household as well. First, we need to find some information on the history of Earth Day. Earth Day's very first celebration was on April 22nd of 1970. It was founded by a gentleman named Gaylord Nelson. He is a lovely chap from Wisconsin, who was committed to the idea of making the world a better place with his renown as a politician and environmentalist.

You can find more information on Gaylord Nelson on THIS wikipedia page. You can find some more tips on things you can do to improve your carbon footprint and the things you can do to help our planet HERE.

THIS is a video on the history of Earth Day.
THIS is a video on some more history and things of Earth Day.
AND THIS.... is a mega cool video on some things that are crafty that you can do for around your home. Political views in the video are not ones that I share, but the video is well worth the watch.

I found a few interesting resources on different types of dinnerware that you can use that are made out of bamboo and such that were really well done.

Here are reusable straws. You wouldn't believe how much just using a reusable straw can make an impact on the planet and your carbon footprint.

Here is "Bamboozled," which is a site you can visit to buy dinnerware, cookware, and such that are made from bamboo. You can get a lot of uses out of the ones on this website!

This is a fun website on earthen homesteads (or green homes).
I saw THESE houses and absolutely fell in love. Tell me which one you like in the comments!

Where I live, there are not any recycling services that are really close. The closest one is approximately 30-45 minutes away by automobile. But, the important part of this is putting in the effort.

I did a bit of research and found some very interesting stuff on how to recycle.

This is a website page with some super great recycling tips.

And now.... For what you have been waiting for.... A special little oracle reading using The Druid Plant Oracle. I am using this particular oracle deck because I thought it to be appropriate for the holiday. Last year I only pulled one card. This year I have done a very generic spread and pulled FOUR!

Here we go:

Position 1:
Chamomile-- Rest, Guardianship, Regneration.
I believe this is the cards telling us that we need to help our planet get it's sickness away from it. We are causing it so much pain. Can we do something to help? I think so. Chamomile is a very calming plant that helps one sleep.

Position 2:
Comfrey-- Structure, Ancestral Foundations, Fusion
This is also a healing card. But this one focuses on the bones and skeletal structure of what the client (In this case, Earth) needs help with. There are levels to things that we need to do. Do you know how to help?

Position 3:
Plantain-- Assertiveness, Calm, Resilience
Our planet is a very resilient one. But this is not something that will always be if we keep up the things we are doing now without offering aid to our dear planet. What can you do?

Position 4- The Overseer:
Mint-- Clarity, Concentration, Renewal
As the "Overseer" card of this card shows that we, as the overseers of this planet, require great focus on what troubles us. We cannot just let things float on as they go. If we continue to focus on things that are destructive, we will only get destructive energy and results in return. Like attracts like they say. So what do we do?

There are so many different paths we can take. Perhaps you will see some of the links and things that I have posted in this article. They are important and may help you help our planet in a few simple ways. Even the smallest step is the best step we can take sometimes.

Lots of love,

Vyvyan Wormwood
The Wormwood Oracle and Mind Behind The Darkest Designs

Friday, February 23, 2018

Weekend Forecast 2-23 to 2-25-2018

Greetings my little darklings and snarklings! 

It is I, your Auntie Vyvyan, the Wormwood Oracle!

Today is a day for a weekend forecast. Bet you missed these dincha'? I am using the Lo Scarabeo Tarot of Mermaids today. I hope you enjoy. I know I did.

2 of Pentacles (upright)--(pearls) Looks like today might be payday for some of you. This is a day to balance your checkbook and maybe buy into a new venture. You could really bank on something new if you really wanted to. Spoil yourself a little; just so long as you are able to in moderation. This card is about being level headed, so keep your cool and don't let the world hassle you.

IX The Hermit (reversed)-- You are lacking information into something that you are currently working on. Remember that thing from yesterday? Well it seems like something is going to go on between now and then and they will cause a bit of a jumble. Take some time to yourself and go about your thought process to figure it out. Perhaps a brain dump would be handy. I also suggest taking up bullet journaling; it helps me a lot!

6 of Swords (upright)--(tridents) Whoops! Looks like you've taken things a bit TOO far. I'm sure you didn't mean to. This is something you need a Plan B on. Be very careful in what you are currently trying to do. It could be something from the past few days, it could be something else that has cropped up. Just be careful.

I wish you all the best in the world.

Vyvyan Wormwood
The Mind Behind the Darkest Designs and the Wormwood Oracle