Monday, July 31, 2017

Monday Musings- Passing the Seasons

Hey there my little Tarot Tots!

Today, I am working from a prompt (as I do very often) that is asking me this question:

"What is your favorite season of the year and why? Does it involve memories? How do you celebrate now?"

(you can find where I am picking prompts from at the prompt place.)

So this is a pretty good question. I'm sitting here enjoying the summer where I am at, but it is most definitely not my favorite season. Could be my second favorite season since you get to go swimming and I am very partial to being able to go swimming.

My favorite season of the year is autumn/fall. It's a very peaceful season and everything just seems like it is slowing down, which is nice, because I don't move very fast in the first place. The leaves are changing colours and are falling off of them like a strange rain.

Something else that is possibly the best thing about autumn is that it is the home of Halloween/Samhain; the greatest holiday in my opinion. It's the Celtic new year and the beginning of so many new things. They say it is a death festival, as it is about reconnecting with your ancestors. I've been thinking about this quite ab it lately and I don't know exactly what my thoughts are on it yet. I want to make sure I form some serious thoughts by the time this holiday comes around again.

I feel like with summer it is far too hot where I live. The other day it was about 106* plus the humidity was really high. I know that there are places elsewhere that are even hotter, and they probably have a similar thought process to me: "Summer is too hot!". Fall is just perfect because the weather is nice and calm and there is even a spot of rain here or there to cool things down even more. The closer it gets to winter, the colder it's chill, but that is better than hot, hot, hot.

I suppose the memories it invokes are ones around Halloween when my mother would make us all sorts of crazy costumes to wear out; not that she didn't make us costumes the rest of the year. We were encouraged to wear all sorts of costumes all the time and that dress up was one of the best things to do.

Nowadays, I celebrate by remembering ancestors and lighting candles and whatnot to remember the deceased and my boyfriend and my families. Recently, we lost his mother so we will be celebrating her life this year for Samhain. I think he will like that.

Thanks for listening to me ramble again. Monday musings are best musings.
-Vyvyan Wormwood
The Wormwood Oracle

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Self Reading 7-30-17

Copyright Selena Lin

Hey there my little Tarot Tots!

This is just a self reading that I am doing. I think I'm going to record some of them when I feel the mood strikes me or something. Today, I figured I would do a reading because it is the last day of some of my family being on the family trip and I wanted to just share in that love. I think that the reading will show lots of love. As usual, I will not read into it until after I've gotten it typed up.

This is a three card spread. Past, present, future. It's basically all present though when I go to read it though. I am using the Manga Tarot by Selena Lin.

Card Number One: XI Justice (reversed): This shows that there are some one-sided actions going on, mostly in the category of love or family events. Things are not going fairly and should be pointed out or be resolved. A possible fight or argument. Nothing too serious.

Card Number Two: King of Wands (reversed): Consider other people a little bit more. There is someone who is causing problems mostly. This is that person. You may get into an altercation of some sort with this person. They are late to things and not quite doing the right things at the right time.

Card Number Three: Queen of Pentacles: This tends to be a more materialistic matters, but it's related to a person. Not saying this person is greedy or anything, but they might be rather needy. They always want something and just need attention.

So what I'm seeing from this spread is that I'm going to be getting into some sort of argument possibly with a friend or family member about buying something or taking care of something today. I don't think it's going to be a very serious thing. I just don't get that feeling.

Well, I need to look into this more.
-Vyvyan Wormwood
The Wormwood Oracle

Friday, July 28, 2017

Florida Post Numero Uno

Greetings my little Tarot Tots!

Today I am blogging from Florida in the USA! I am visiting family for a bit and I will be here for about a week. Expect some content being created out of sheer boredom. I may do a week or two worth of stuff that I need to work on (or have needed to work on).

My aunts have been together for quite some time now and they are finally able to get married. It's super awesome that it is legal now and that they can celebrate like other normal people.

They will be getting married tomorrow evening. I'm super excited for them, as I know that they are also very excited (of course).

So I will be working on some "Monday Musings" for you all to enjoy. There may be some Tarot lessons for you to enjoy as well. It's fun to learn and teach people to be able to read the cards on their own. Maybe I'll even talk a little bit about the differences between Oracle, Tarot, and Lenormand cards. There's quite a bit different, really!

Anyway, I'm going to chill for a bit before I go to bed to be well rested for tomorrow.

Lots of love,
-Vyvyan Wormwood
The Wormwood Oracle

Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday Musings-- Seasons

Good day, my little Tarot Tots!

It's another day in the life of a tarot reader. I was doing some searching for something to do and came across another little blurb that asks:

"What is your favorite season, and why?"

Well, I suppose I would say that my favorite season is Autumn. The reason I enjoy Autumn (Fall?) most of all is because it is the most temperate of the seasons to me. It is neither too hot, nor too cold. It even has some pretty great holidays within it, such as Halloween, or Samhain, and also Thanksgiving. Holidays are always a bonus to whichever season you decide is your absolute favorite of the seasons in your personal opinion.

I know this is a short post, but what do you think? What is your favorite season? I would love to hear from you.

Lots of love,
-Vyvyan Wormwood

Saturday, July 1, 2017


Hello my little Tarot Tots!

This is Vyvyan Wormwood here (again, of course)! I wanted to let you know that I will be working on this blog a little bit more for a while. I am going to be shifting things around from my wordpress onto here. I feel like I have more responses and more tools to use on here, since I always use a free account. I have yet to see enough action to want to make it a permanent thing of course.

So I did some research and I really want to work with my blogger for a while.

Also, the reason that I have been absent is because of a few deaths of family and friends. It's a bit personal, so I'm not going to go into it too much.

Please subscribe and let me know what you think of the stuff I do now that I'm going to be on here.

I love you all!
-Vyvyan Wormwood
The Wormwood Oracle