Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Darkling Tag

Greetings my little Tarot Tots!

Today I am doing a quiz so you can get to know me a little better. Of course this is a rather gothically inclined quiz, but seeing as I am a goth and like to revel in my dark dark darkity dark-ness, I figured I would do it. So here we go:

What is your favourite candle scent? Darkest Sandalwood. It's very rich.
Do you have a favourite book? I couldn't say. I think "Paint it Black" by Voltaire or the "Goth Bible" (which is a history of the gothic subculture and very informative)
Are you a tea or coffee person? Both. Mostly tea, though.
What is your favourite perfume/cologne? I'm preferable to citrusy, fruitsy scents, but also things that are a bit musky. I don't like dainty scents.
Do you have a celebrity crush? Hmm... Pinhead from Hellraiser. Totally.
 If you could change your name to a stereotypical 90s/2000s gothy name, what would it be? I already go by a stereotypical one: Raven!
What are your top three tips for surviving hot weather while black clad? sunscreen, light fabric like a cotton or a fishnet, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
What song always makes you happy (doesn't have to be a goth band?) "It's Like That" by RUN-DMC
Are you active in the arts (eg. Play an instrument, paint, write, etc)? Yap. I paint, I play a few instruments, I sew, I craft, I build.... I like to refer to myself as a #hobbyhoarder
What is your number one non-gothy hobby? uh.... crochet?

Thought Provokers:

If you could be a supernatural creature, what would it be and why? I think a Lamia. I dunno. Just thought it would be kind of neat.

What horror monster-bases super power would you have? pyrokinesis? I like fire. (Heh heh fire fire Heh)

Do you feel confident or comfortable interacting with other Goths or gothy people (online or irl)? Why or why not? Of course I'm confident about talking to other goths. Other goths understand some of my thoughts so I enjoy that!

Is there something you wish there was more of in your subculture? Less drama. Damn.

Care to share an embarrassing story related to your "darkliness"? I once told someone that they should get a tattoo and didn't notice they had a sleeve. Ugh. (does that count?)

How are you at DIY? I'm alright. I do enjoy crafting in a variety of ways.

Confessional (aka True or False):

I love watching cheese romance films. False. They make me cry and that ruins my makeup. Boo.

I ALWAYS remember to was off my makeup at night. False. Sorry.

I sleep with plushies. True! I have two mouse stuffies.

I wear non-black pyjamas most nights. True. I have several pyjamas with cats on them so I wear those. They're usually night shirts.

I think Andrew Eldrich is overrated. False.

I don't like vampires. False, but I'm particular as to which kind I like.

I don't like clubs. False! Clubs are awesome!!!

I don't enjoy graveyards. False. It's a great place to have picnics with deceased loved ones and ancestors.

Blood makes me queasy. False. Bring it on.

I'd sooner faint than pet a spider. True. I do like how they look though,

I don't like haunted houses. True, if this is about like.... scare houses. If it's about real spirits I have no issue.

I've never read Dracula. True. It's such a dry read. But it's on my to-do list.

I think "Bela Lugosi's Dead" is a long and boring song. Could go either way. True, very long. False to boring. Unless you play it on repeat for hours and hours. Then we might have problems.

So that's me. I hope that enlightens people on some things about myself.

Lots of love,
-Vyvyan Wormwoood
The Wormwood Oracle

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